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Monday, 21 January 2008

David Alberto Martinez

David Alberto Martinez, 17, who is accused of selling seven grams of methamphetamine to an informant in exchange for $700 cash, also appeared in a bond hearing in November following a previous drug-related arrest.
The latest incident involving Martinez allegedly occurred Nov. 15, just a few days after the Nov. 9 hearing in which Bourne ordered him held on a $200,000 bond on suspicion of possession and delivery of methamphetamine, according to a probable-cause statement filed in circuit court.
Fifth Judicial District Prosecuting Attorney David Gibbons has since filed charges to that effect against Martinez.
Bourne on Friday ordered Martinez held on a $250,000 bond in connection with the latest arrest, while Circuit Judge Jim Kennedy previously signed an order to revoke the previous $200,000 bond after the newest charges were filed, according to information presented at the hearing.
Martinez’s attorney, Richard Young, argued his client was attempting “to get his life straightened out” in requesting Bourne set a lower amount.
Bourne, however, was undeterred, and proceeded to set the amount in keeping with the deputy prosecuting attorney’s request.
“It is my concern that no matter what he is told, and what burden is put on him, he continues to break the law,” Bourne said.


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