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Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Ryan Hadfield,Liam Garside,Sean Mullaney,Roy Dowie

Hadfield was arrested on suspicion of money laundering and being concerned in the manufacture of class A drugs.
He pleaded guilty to money laundering and has been sentenced to three years and four months in jail.
Two other men were also involved in the conspiracy.
Liam Garside, aged 31, of Hilldale Avenue, Blackley, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply class A drugs. He has been jailed for five years.
Sean Mullaney, aged 41, of Bury New Road, Heywood, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply class A drugs and was sentenced to four years.
Roy Dowie, aged 27, of Morley Road, Radcliffe, admitted conspiracy to supply class A drugs, possession of a prohibited firearm, possession of prohibited ammunition, and money laundering.
He was sentenced to 10 years at Manchester Crown Court today.
The narcotics factory was found as part of an anti-drugs investigation when officers searched a flat off Great Ancoats Street in Manchester on May 3, 2007.
Police discovered about 400 grams of cocaine, with an estimated street value of £15,000.
Officers also found a 25kg tub of Lidocaine, used when 'cutting' cocaine.
Detectives said that the factory could produce around £1.6 million of street-level cocaine, once the pure drug had been cut with the Lidocaine.
While the search was going on Dowie returned to the flat and was arrested.
His car was searched and cash, passports and documentation relating to a safety deposit box at a bank were found.
The safety deposit box contained a shoebox with £44,000 in cash inside, They also discovered a magnum revolver and five live bullets in the box.
Later that evening his co-accused Ryan Hadfield, aged 23, from Droylsden, was seen sitting outside the address in a car. He was smoking cannabis so officers searched his car.
Inside they found another shoebox containing £49,000, bringing the total of money seized from the men to £93,150.


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