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Friday, 16 January 2009

Anthony Hyginus, a suspected drug pusher was made to excrete 99 wraps of cocaine.

suicide mission embarked upon by Anthony Hyginus, a suspected drug pusher, on his way to Spain on Christmas day was terminated when he was made to excrete 99 wraps of cocaine.He had swallowed them after he was arrested at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport (MMIA), Lagos.National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Spokesman, Mitchell Ofoyeju, said Hyginus excreted the 99 wraps, but doctors had to operate on him to take out another wrap, making a total 100.Hyginus is recuperating at a hospital in Lagos.Mitchell quoted NDLEA Chairman, Ahmadu Giad, as saying that "others must learn from Hyginus' case and shun drug trafficking."We have lost some young and promising Nigerians as a result of drug ingestion. This unwholesome habit must stop."Hyginus, who hails from Imo State, said he was promised 3,500 Euros to deliver the drug in Spain.


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