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Thursday, 22 January 2009

Daniel James Eaton, pleaded guilty to a felony charge of possession with intent to deliver cocaine

Daniel James Eaton, 25, of the 400 block of Mervine Street, was sentenced in Montgomery County Court to six to 23 months in the county jail after he pleaded guilty to a felony charge of possession with intent to deliver cocaine in connection with a September 2008 incident in the township.Judge Paul W. Tressler, who accepted a plea agreement in the case, also ordered Eaton to complete two years’ probation after he’s paroled from jail. Eaton is eligible for the jail’s work release program during his incarceration.Other charges of possessing a small amount of marijuana and possessing drug paraphernalia were dismissed against Eaton as part of the plea agreement.Court documents indicate township detectives, armed with a warrant, searched Eaton’s home on Sept. 10 after receiving a tip that there were marijuana plants and drug paraphernalia in the home.Upon arrival, detectives seized two small marijuana plants that were found growing in a bedroom of the residence, according to the arrest affidavit. Detectives also discovered three small, clear bags of a white powdery substance setting on a shelf with the marijuana plants.In another bedroom, detectives recovered a hypodermic needle, and in the living room authorities seized two spoons containing a white powdery substance consistent with cocaine, according to the criminal complaint.When he was interviewed by detectives, Eaton confessed to growing the marijuana plants, court documents alleged.“He also admitted that he has both used and sold illegal drugs,” Lower Pottsgrove Detective Sgt. Michael Foltz wrote in the arrest affidavit.Eaton also admitted that the residue found on the seized spoons in the living and in some of the clear bags was cocaine. However, Eaton maintained the clear bags found in the bedroom “may have been some sort of imitation substance he packaged to look like cocaine,” according to the criminal complaint.


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