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Monday, 26 January 2009

Edgar Peralta was carrying 17 bags of cocaine was shot in the arm after he tried to run from a pair of Queens narcotics cops during a bust

Edgar Peralta was carrying 17 bags of cocaine was shot in the arm after he tried to run from a pair of Queens narcotics cops during a bust, police said Sunday.Edgar Peralta, 27, was listed in stable condition and charged with three counts of possessing and selling drugs - even as investigators tried to determine whether the suspect had a weapon when he was shot, police sources said. Cops were dispatched to an apartment building on 45th Ave. in Flushing at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, police said.
An unmarked NYPD vehicle carrying a plainclothes sergeant and detective from the Queens narcotics unit arrived minutes later and the officers spotted Peralta walking from the building to his car, police said. When the officers approached the car, they saw Peralta smoking a joint, a police source said. Peralta then opened his car door and sprinted off, the source said. While it is not immediately clear what prompted the detective to open fire, cops confirmed that the officer - a seven-year veteran of the NYPD - fired once, striking Peralta in the right arm. Cops have not found any sign that Peralta was carrying a gun or knife, a police source said.


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