Arrests Worldwide

Arrests Worldwide
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Sunday, 4 January 2009

Jose Burgos charged with trafficking cocaine and possession of a Class A substance with intent to distribute.

Jose Burgos charged with trafficking cocaine and possession of a Class A substance with intent to distribute.Springfield police said they found 0.2 grams of marijuana in Burgos's pocket during his booking. He was arrested Friday by the city's vice control unit, which alleges that Burgos had 119 crack cocaine rocks and 45 bags of heroin in his car. Burgos is being held on $50,000 bail and is scheduled be arraigned tomorrow in Springfield District Court.Law enforcement officials said yesterday that most arrests for possession of marijuana are made in conjunction with other drug seizures."You rarely see people getting arrested for under an ounce of marijuana. Usually it was a wiseguy or it was an arrest leading to something else," said Sergeant Sean Sweeney of the Barnstable Police Department. No one in Barnstable had been issued a citation for marijuana possession as of midday yesterday, Sweeney said.


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