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Friday, 23 January 2009

Keito Weston,was charged with sale of crack cocaine, possession of crack cocaine,

Keito Weston, 25, of New Britain was believed to be selling crack cocaine in the downtown area, Sgt. Marc Hughes of the Manchester Police Department said.
At 4 p.m. Thursday, Weston arrived at the downtown parking lot near the corner of Chestnut and Forest streets with two other men: Samille Etienne, 25, of Hartford, and a 17-year-old male, who was not identified because he is a minor.Weston went to the parking lot in order to sell crack cocaine to a man who turned out to be an undercover officer with the East Central Narcotics Task Force, Hughes said.
Narcotics officers and local police seized both marijuana and crack cocaine during the arrest. Both Etienne and the 17-year-old were found to be in possession of marijuana, Hughes said.Weston had three felony warrants charging him with previous crack cocaine sales to an undercover officer. He also was arrested in 2006 for sale of crack cocaine, Hughes said.All three men were arrested without incident.Weston was charged with sale of crack cocaine, possession of crack cocaine, possession of crack cocaine with intent to sell, and committing each of those crimes within 1,500-feet of a school.He also was charged with possession of less than 4 ounces of marijuana and interfering with an officer.He was held in lieu of $425,000 bond.
Both Etienne and the 17-year-old were charged with possession of less than 4 ounces of marijuana and possession of marijuana within 1,500-feet of a school.
Etienne was held in lieu of $25,000 bond.The 17-year-old was released on a $25,000 nonsurety bond.Both Weston and Etienne were to be arraigned today in Manchester Superior Court.


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