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Monday, 5 January 2009

Senior officer along with his son get rid of competitors in the field of industrial expertise with the help of contract killings

The criminal case against the former head of Rostechnadzor in the Samara region, Yuri Zolnikova charged with a number of serious crimes in an organized group, referred to the court. Next to him in the dock will and his son, who was a shadow director "NPF" Promekspertiza, as well as director of Samara branch of OAO Orgenergoneft "Igor Vlasov, transmits Interfax with reference to the press service of the prosecutor's office with Investigation Department of Samara Oblast.In Samara region completed an investigation into a gang, created by the former head of the regional Rostechnadzor. A senior officer along with his son get rid of competitors in the field of industrial expertise with the help of contract killings. The defendants are accused of creating a gang in order to monopolize the sphere of industrial expertise in the region, as well as in organizing the killing of master director of the Control Service, Vladimir Khokhlov and the attempted murder of members of the Samara Ros Igor Kuznetsov. In addition Zolnikovyh and Vlasov before the court appearance, five more business figures accused of committing crimes on the order of gang leaders. This Vladimir Kolsanov, Victor Sklyarenko, Victor Treshnikov, Yevgeny Gorbunov, and Yevgeny Frolov, said "RosBusinessConsulting". A preliminary investigation found that in Samara defendants created an organized criminal association "headquarters". This gang and deal with competitors from the market high-ranking officials, including through assassinations. At the same time, Yuri Zolnikov created controlled by OOO NPF Promekspertiza ", which was headed by his son, and, using his administrative resource, forced Rostechnadzor inspectors to enter into contracts with OOO NPF Promekspertiza and OAO" Orgenergoneft. "
From 1999 to 2006, members of criminal associations restrict market access of industrial expertise to other market participants, as well as to spread them. "This was done using the official leader of a criminal association Zolnikova - described in the press service. - All these actions have involved the use of violence to persons, preventing monopolization of the market."

Members of a criminal association charged under article 222 (illegal use of weapons), 210 (organizing a criminal association), 178 (exclusion, restriction or elimination of competition), 105 (murder), 30-105 (attempted murder), 161 (robbery) 162 (robbery), 163 (extortion), 158 (theft), 183 (unlawful receipt and disclosure of information constituting commercial, taxation and banking secrecy), 291 (bribery), 325 (kidnapping or damage of documents, stamps, seals or abduction excise stamps, special stamps or marks) the Criminal Code.

Earlier, the head of the Investigation Directorate of the Samara region Vitaly Gorstkin reported that section 178 applies in the Russian practice, almost the first time. Saving money for an official pack One of the major crime gangs Zolnikovyh was the murder of director of the SamaraKontrolServis Vladimir Khokhlov, who not only wish to retain their business, but would put the company in terms of free competition with OOO NPF Promekspertiza and OAO "Orgenergoneft. Khokhlov began to take action To shift Zolnikova from office, so he decided to kill him. 6 Sept., 2006 Treshnikov shot Khokhlova. According to testimony and Sklyarenko Gorbunov, Zolnikovy ordered them not only to murder, but beating objectionable in order to "intimidate or to take time out." "Fee" for each such attack was 30 rubles. The first in a chain of the victims was to be a former head of Syzran department, later became deputy head of the regional administration , Igor Kuznetsov. The organizer of the crime became Victor Sklyarenko, and performers - Yevgeny Gorbunov and his friends - Yevgeny Frolov and Andrei Mikhailov (he was driving a VAZ-2109, which gave Sklyarenko executing orders). First Kolsanov who worked at Zolnikova, a senior driver, and Sklyarenko followed Kuznetsov in Syzran and done filming, and then transferred Gorbunovu and Frolovu tape recordings and photographs Kuznetsova and his jeep Land Cruiser Prado, along with other data about the victim. According to the instructions Kolsanova, Kuznetsova had to be destroyed by briefly. The beating was to prevent an official mission and its transfer to Samara on his appointment to the higher post of Deputy Head of the regional administration . 1 February, 2007 Gorbunov, Frolov and Mikhailov drove to the cottage Kuznetsova in the village Rameno Syzranskogo area. For 3 or 4 days they had to follow the house, as Kuznetsov left the cottage is not one. Task is complicated by the fact that Kuznetsov is a man tall and strong build. Sladit with young killers (Gorbunovu at that time was 18 years old) showed no easy task. When finally, the official went out of the house alone, Frolov and Gorbunov approached him and asked the location of a street. When Kuznetsov turned criminals him in the face of the gas cans, and then Frolov struck the victim with a knife in the chest area. Kuznetsov and his wife, who was in the yard, began to shout. Immediately after the attackers fled. At a meeting with Sklyarenko in Samara attackers Kuznetsov received their 30 thousand rubles. But a few days Sklyarenko Gorbunovu telephoned and said that they had not fulfilled the task: people went to work as a knife allegedly hit him "somewhere in the wallet."
As it turned out later, Frolov got a knife in a stack of money, closed tubes, which Kuznetsov put in a breast pocket of the jacket. It is this batch of notes and saved his life: Breaks her knife wound only skin.


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