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Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Alexander Armando Martin, 45, of Naples placed under arrest for possession of Cocaine

Master Officer Drew McGregor responded to the area of 3rd Avenue North and 10th Street regarding a suspicious vehicle. The reporter, Ana Hernandez, is the manager of the River Park Apartments. Hernandez reported seeing a white male driving a black Mercedes-Benz sedan in the area attempting to purchase drugs. Officer McGregor observed a vehicle matching the description, driving through an alley towards 2nd Avenue North. The vehicle traveled West on 2nd Ave N towards 10th St. almost causing a crash when it went through a STOP sign. Officer McGregor stopped the car as it traveled South on 10th St., coming to a stop in the 1100 block of Central Ave. The driver was identified as Alexander Armando Martin, 45, of Naples. When asked for his license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance, Martin seemed to have difficulty locating the documents. Although Officer McGregor never asked, Martin seemed to feel the need to explain his presence by voluntarily offering names of people he was friends with in the River-Park neighborhood. Officer Ricardo Vazquez arrived to assist in the investigation. Martin was asked for permission to search his vehicle for illegal narcotic or weapons, he agreed. While the vehicle was being searched by Officer Vazquez, Martin began to tell Officer McGregor about his troubled life, including his one time addiction to Crack Cocaine. Again, Martin was not asked any questions related to this topic, he simply offered the information voluntarily.Officer Vazquez located a small white piece of a substance, under the driver’s seat, believed to be Crack Cocaine. A field test performed the officers indicated positive for Cocaine. At this time, Martin was placed under arrest for possession of Cocaine, a third degree felony.A further search of the vehicle reveled two more pieces of the same substance under the driver’s seat. Martin was booked into the Naples Jail Center.


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