Arrests Worldwide

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Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Jonah M. Simoneau, remains at York County Prison on $150,000 bail.

29-year-old man accused of possession with intent to deliver $17,000 in cocaine "mistakenly believed" he'd avoid police by making the drop during the Super Bowl, but authorities said he was arrested during the third quarter.
Pennsylvania State Police arrested Jonah M. Simoneau, formerly of Salem, Ala., at 8:45 p.m. Sunday in a parking lot on East Market Street in Springettsbury Township. Investigators allege Simoneau has transported large amounts of cocaine from Alabama to York County during the past two years.Authorities said the arrest stems from an ongoing drug investigation conducted by Springettsbury Township Police, state police and York County Drug Task Force detectives. Police confiscated the drugs and the 2005 Lexus GS300 Simoneau drove.


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