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Friday, 20 February 2009

Rene Abraham Hernandez, 29, was last week charged over the importation of 100kg of cocaine from Mexico into Sydney.

Rene Abraham Hernandez, 29, was last week charged over the importation of 100kg of cocaine from Mexico into Sydney.
After he was arrested on Friday, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) allegedly found identification of a New Zealand police officer and two NSW drivers’ licenses in two names in a black leather bag. Officers from the AFP and the NSW Crime Commission were investigating the February 2008 importation of the drug, which was concealed in 19 tonnes of pavers from Mexico. They were also investigating possible money-laundering by people involved in the importation.Police allege that Mr Hernandez, who was charged with importing a commercial quantity of a border controlled drug, was one of at least three people involved. Sydney Central Local Court was today told that Mr Hernandez, who was born in Mexico and became an Australian citizen in 1991, knew that he was being investigated by authorities for almost a year.Before refusing bail, Magistrate Paul Lyon said the amount of money police allege that the “scheme” brought in was enormous. Mr Hernandez is due to appear in Central Local Court on April 29.


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