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Friday, 20 February 2009

UNCW students Christopher Misenheimer, 20, and Nina Esquire, 19, are charged with conspiracy to traffic in heroin

UNCW students Christopher Misenheimer, 20, and Nina Esquire, 19, are charged with conspiracy to traffic in heroin, three counts of trafficking in heroin, manufacturing a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and conspiring to sell and deliver cocaine.Michael Gerrod Jones is charged with conspiracy to sell and deliver cocaine, conspiracy to traffic in heroin, manufacturing a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.UNCW student Jonathan Paker is charged with conspiracy to traffic in heroin, possession of cocaine, felony possession of marijuana, possession with intent to sell and deliver marijuana, conspiracy to sell and deliver cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
The residence, in a cluster of three buildings of condominiums where Parker, Esquire and Jones lived, was used to manufacture and sell drugs, Ciamillo said.The arrests were the result of a monthlong undercover investigation that culminated when a search warrant was served at the address at 3 p.m., according to Ciamillo.
Also seized were a supply of powder blue glycine bags used to package the heroin, as well as the rubber stamps and ink pads used to mark the bags with “think happy thoughts” for branded street sale. Officials also confiscated sifters and grinders used to turn the drug into powder form, and dark blue balloons used to store and transport heroin.Misenheimer is being held under $325,000 bond. Jones, Parker and Esquire are each being held under $225,000 bonds.
More arrests are pending, Ciamillo said. Heroin has been a serious problem in New Hanover County, he said, and the squad has been working to put a “substantial dent” in its manufacture and sale.


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