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Saturday, 19 September 2009

Yacub Koger, 36, of Chicago, formerly of Mattoon, was sentenced on the charge of delivery of a controlled substance

Yacub Koger, 36, of Chicago, formerly of Mattoon, was sentenced on the charge of delivery of a controlled substance to which he pleaded guilty in July. He admitted selling cocaine in Mattoon on Aug. 4, 2006, and charges that also accused him of selling the drug on two other days during the same month were dismissed.When Koger pleaded guilty, the agreement in his case was that the conviction required a prison sentence of six to 30 years because of his prior convictions. Assistant State’s Attorney Mick McAvoy agreed at that time to ask for no more than a 10-year prison sentence.An investigation into Koger’s criminal record revealed that Koger wasn’t eligible for that sentencing range, though a three- to seven-year prison term was required. Records showed that Koger had earlier criminal convictions but none of them were a level of offense to make the longer term mandatory.


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