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Friday 30 October 2009

Michael Shawcross, 26, was stopped by officers from the UK Border Agency at Heathrow Airport as he stepped off a flight from Sao Paulo, Brazil

Michael Shawcross, 26, was stopped by officers from the UK Border Agency at Heathrow Airport as he stepped off a flight from Sao Paulo, Brazil, in September. He had been backpacking in South America before heading back to the UK.Shawcross, of Lower House Lane, Norris Green, was interviewed by officers from HM Revenue and Customs as investigators carried out tests on his rucksack and sleeping bag.Isleworth crown court heard the drugs had been washed with a liquid which was then impregnated into the lining of the bags.The 4kgs of 100% proof cocaine would be worth nearly £900,000 on the streets, HMRC said.On September 5, Shawcross pleaded guilty to trying to smuggle the drugs and he was sentenced to eight years behind bars, with a travel restriction order for three years after his release.Peter Avery, Assistant Director of HMRC Criminal Investigations, said: "We will continue to work closely with our UK Border Agency colleagues to detect and seize drugs smuggled into the UK and prosecute those involved."


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