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Thursday, 17 May 2012

Oklahoma City officers find 23 kilos of cocaine during Interstate 40 traffic stop

Oklahoma City authorities seized 23 kilos of cocaine during a traffic stop on Interstate 40 and arrested two men accused of attempting to distribute the substance. Jorge Alberto Guevara   Drug bust made in Oklahoma City May 10Master Sgt. Gary Knight talks about drug bust made on... PHOTOview all photos Article Gallery: Oklahoma City officers find 23 kilos of cocaine during Interstate 40 traffic stop Master Sgt. Gary Knight said Thursday members of the Central Oklahoma Metro Interdiction Team stopped a tractor-trailer in Oklahoma City shortly after 3 p.m. April 25. He said officers interviewed two men in the vehicle and found their stories were inconsistent. “Ultimately, after suspicious actions, officers asked for consent to search the truck. Consent was granted,” Knight said. Officers used a drug dog to sniff the vehicle and entered the back of the trailer. Under a false wall, officers found 23 kilos of cocaine in individual bundles, Knight said. Jorge Alberto Guevara, 48, and Jacinto Ignacio Brizuela-Cruz, 23, were arrested on complaints of aggravated trafficking of illegal drugs, and booked into the Oklahoma County jail. A jail employee said each man posted a $25,000 bail and was released.


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