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Monday, 21 January 2008

Iseimi Erhabor Joseph,Ojeiwa Frank is based in Malaga, Spain

Iseimi Erhabor Joseph, who ingested 80 wraps and Ojeiwa Frank that ingested 66 wraps of substance that tested positive for cocaine.
They were arrested on Saturday at the departure hall during screening of passengers on a KLM flight. Unlike most drug traffickers that indulge in the illicit act for a fee, both suspects were found to have bought the drugs themselves for sale in Europe.
Iseimi Erhabor Joseph, 35, had been based in Chile, Madrid, Spain, for 10 years. He revealed how he invested N2.5 million into the illicit drug business.
Irhabor hails from Ovia Local Government Area of Edo State. Frank, 35, is also based in Malaga, Spain, where he works in a construction company since 2000.
He confessed to have invested N1.8 million into the drug business.


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