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Monday, 21 January 2008

Mohammed Mahmood

Mohammed Mahmood, 22, of Gibbet Street, Halifax, admitted three offences of possessing class A drugs with intent to supply.
Three times he was found with a stash of heroin and cocaine.
John Topham, prosecuting, said the first offence occurred in July 2006, when Mahmood was stopped for riding a motorbike without a helmet or registration plates when he was disqualified.
At Halifax police station he handed over a cigarette box to officers containing 20 wraps of heroin and 10 wraps of cocaine with a street value of £300.
Mr Topham said Mahmood claimed he did not know the box contained drugs and was holding it for someone else.
Next month police raided his address in connection with other men who were wanted for kidnap.
Inside, 59 wraps of heroin and 20 wraps of cocaine were found, worth a total of £450.
Mr Topham said Mahmood's fingerprints were found on the drugs.
Traces of cocaine and heroin were also found on his mobile phone.
In November 2006, Mahmood was spotted by officers driving a VW Golf.
His passenger, Arfan Miah, was seen leaning out of the window talking to others before the car drove off and stopped in a car park.
When the car was searched, 30 wraps of heroin and 49 wraps of cocaine were found, with a street value of £590.
Cash and plastic dealer bags were also discovered.
"On each of these occasions he seemed to be saying he was acting on behalf of Arfan Miah," said Mr Topham.
He said Mahmood had previous convictions for dishonesty and driving matters.
James Ward, for Mahmood, said when he was released from custody last he went to live with Mr Miah and became involved in drug dealing.
Mr Ward said: "He was not forced to, but there was a small degree of pressure."
Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC told Mahmood at Bradford Crown Court: "You were, and became, a willing member of a drug-supplying team.
He said by imposing the sentence he was sending a "clear message" to deter others from supplying drugs.


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