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Monday, 21 January 2008

Arrested 72 locals and foreign nationals for prostitution and drug offences

UN police have arrested 72 locals and foreign nationals for prostitution and drug offences at a number of bars in the capital, Dili.
According to East Timor police, most of them were women involved in prostitution and illegal drugs and are from Indonesia, China, Thailand and the Philippines
Police say several men have also been arrested and are suspected of trafficking women.
A UN Police spokesperson in Dili, Benjamin Osuji, has told Radio Australia's Consays those arrested will undergo a process of proper identification before any charges can be considered.
"At the end of the screening exercise, the normal process of screening, they will be identified properly," he said.
"Police are now working in collaboration with immigration so that they will be able to identify them properly, and then try to link them up with any crime at all."


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