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Thursday, 22 January 2009

Felicia J. Bowen,a Falcon Cove Middle School teacher's assistant, was arrested Tuesday.

Felicia J. Bowen, 41, is suspected of buying 2.3 grams of cocaine Dec. 17 in a truck stop parking lot, according to the Broward Sheriff's Office. When deputies approached her, she admitted to the transaction and pulled the small, clear bags containing the powder out of her bra, the Sheriff's Office said.
After an investigation, Bowen, a Falcon Cove Middle School teacher's assistant, was arrested Tuesday. She was released from jail on $1,000 bond.On Jan. 13, Orlando Dager, then a substitute teacher at Cypress Bay High School, landed in jail when a deputy pulled him over and found eight bags — or four pounds — of marijuana in his car. Dager, 24, of Southwest Ranches, has since been released from jail on bond.
Bowen, of Pembroke Pines, also was convicted of a misdemeanor charge of marijuana possession in 2003, public records show. She was sentenced to three days in jail.
The Broward School District hired her in 2000, and her annual salary is $16,406, district spokesman Andrew Feirstein said. She will be reassigned to a position away from children while district officials investigate.


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