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Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Lawrence Vigil, 25, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute cocaine.

Lawrence Vigil, 25, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute cocaine. Joe Brewer, 21, has reached a plea agreement, according to federal court documents, but had not officially entered a guilty plea as of Jan. 13.According to federal court documents, Vigil admitted bringing cocaine from Denver, repackaging it and distributing it throughout the Pine Ridge area. The conspiracy began in 2002. Brewer admitted to distributing cocaine.Two co-defendants in the case, Alvina White Bull and Lyle Wilson, are still scheduled for trial in March. Brandon Ecoffey, 25, is also awaiting trial.Daryl Saucedo, 22, Oglala, and Tyler Eagle Bull, 23, have pleaded guilty and are awaiting sentencing. Dominique "Dom" Saucedo, 25, Pine Ridge, and Manuel Garcia, Aurora, Colo., pleaded guilty and have been sentenced.Vigil faces a mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison with a maximum of life in prison and a $4 million fine. He is in custody pending sentencing March 30.


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