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Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Former England cricketer Chris Lewis was further detained by police after he appeared in court to be charged with attempted drug smuggling.

Former England cricketer Chris Lewis was further detained by police Wednesday after he appeared in court to be charged with attempted drug smuggling.The 40-year-old former allrounder was arrested last month at Gatwick Airport when nearly 9lb (4kg) of liquid cocaine, worth about 200,000 pounds ($295,910; €229,290), was found in his baggage hidden in fruit tins.Lewis, who played 32 tests and 53 one-day internationals in the 1990s, had flown in from the Caribbean island of St. Lucia with former amateur basketball player Chad Kirnon, who was also charged Wednesday.
Lewis spoke only to confirm his name and date of birth during a brief appearance and will reappear at the same court on Jan. 21.Lewis had a low batting average of 23 and retired from county cricket in 2000 because of a persistent hip injury after spells with Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Surrey.He played one match last season for Surrey's Twenty20 team but he scored just two runs and conceded 29 runs off two overs. His attempted comeback then ended because of injury.


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