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Sunday, 11 January 2009

Sam Taylor Nepal bureau chief of French news agency Agence France Presse (AFP) has been detained by Kathmandu’s drug squad

British citizen Sam Taylor was detained from a restaurant in Thamel, the capital’s tourist hub, Friday by a police patrol.The Nepal bureau chief of French news agency Agence France Presse (AFP) has been detained by Kathmandu’s drug squad on the suspicion of possessing drugs, police said.An official at the Sorukhutte police station that has jurisdiction over Thamel told IANS that Taylor has been kept under detention for further investigation.Taylor had taken charge in Nepal around three years ago. Prior to this, he had worked in Vietnam for German news agency DPA.Since the Maoists formed the government last year, Home Minister Bam Dev Gautam has called for an anti-sleaze crackdown in Thamel, known for its infamous massage parlours and dance bars that serve as a front for sex workers.Taylor’s detention comes after a high-profile drug arrest in Singapore last year.In July, Peter Lloyd, the New Delhi-based correspondent of Australian Broadcasting Corporation, was arrested in Singapore for alleged drugs possession while on vacation.


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