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Friday, 9 January 2009

Gerald Moore Jr., who is charged with possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin, conspiracy to sell and deliver heroin

Gerald Moore Jr. (left) and Berthiah Long II were arrested in a residence where authorities seized heroin, marijuana and related supplies. New Hanover County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a local man and seized 54 bags of heroin, a handgun and the red star stamp they say he used to market his product from his home Thursday night.After a two-week undercover investigation, 10 deputies served a search warrant at 502 Angelfish Court at 6:30 p.m., according to Capt. David Ciamillo.Inside, deputies found the heroin and a .38-caliber revolver, Ciamillo said, as well as “saleable amounts” of marijuana and the glycine baggies, rubber bands and red star stamp used to package the heroin.The residence belonged to Gerald Moore Jr., who is charged with possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin, conspiracy to sell and deliver heroin, manufacturing of heroin, possession with intent to sell and deliver marijuana and maintaining a dwelling for the purpose of selling those controlled substances. Moore was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. He is being held under a $50,000 secured bond.Berthiah Long II was also in the dwelling and is charged with possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin, conspiracy to sell and deliver heroin and possession of a firearm by a felon. He posted a bond of $15,000 after the arrest.Ciamillo said the investigation was part of a crackdown by the Sheriff’s Office on heroin distribution in New Hanover County. “We are doing everything humanly possible to curb this problem,” Ciamillo said.


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