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Saturday, 17 January 2009

Quirino Paulino admitted before the New York Prosecutor’s Office to having shipped around 33 tons of cocaine to the United States

Quirino Paulino admitted before the New York Prosecutor’s Office to having shipped around 33 tons of cocaine to the United States from 1996 to 2002 and laundering millions of dollars originating from drug trafficking. The figures are in Paulino’s plea bargaining agreement with New York’s South District Office of the Prosecutor
This document, as far as the part that concerns Dominican Republic, was introduced yesterday in the National District Court of Appeals, during the hearing in the case against Paulino’s wife, Belkis Elizabeth Ubrí, where she appealed her 5 year prison sentence laundering money from drug trafficking.In the hearing the Justice Ministry dropped the charges against Ubrí, but the judge postponed it for February 19, to give her lawyers time to file a translation of Paulino’s agreement with United States authorities. The document was filed at the request of the lawyers of the codefendant in the case,m retired colonel Pedro Julio Goíco (Pepe).
The document also states that Paulino gave to the United States US$14.5 million, money that the U.S. authorities decided to cede to the Dominican authorities, as part of the agreement.


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