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Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Artulo Sanders major cocaine drug dealer in Michiana went to prison for 12 to 20 years

Major cocaine drug dealer in Michiana went to prison for 12 to 20 years Friday morning in Cass County Circuit Court.Prosecutor Victor Fitz said Friday morning during sentencing that Artulo Sanders, 33, of 1334 Markle St., Elkhart, Ind., had enough cocaine to get every man, woman and child high in all of Cass County and St. Joseph County."This was his livelihood. He was doing this for years. In the last two years he was involved with the distribution of 10 kilograms worth $500,000 to $1 million."Fitz said he carried a gun, and it wasn't just a one-time deal.He said the whole community was affected by what he did in asking for 15 years minimum.He said it would send a strong message that drug dealers will meet with severe consequences.
After Judge Michael Dodge imposed the prison term which was more than the minimum 10-1/2 years in Sanders' guideline range to a high 17 1/2 years, his family became extremely emotional while leaving the courtroom.Sanders had two defense attorneys, Thomas Swisher of Dowagiac and Tod Urban of Chicago. Urban said he can't be punished for what he has been charged with in the past. He said he is employed and has held three jobs and has six children, two of whom sent letters to the court.
Urban said he accepts responsibility for what he did in asking for the minimum of 10-1/2 years.Sanders apologized for what he did and said he did the wrong thing.Dodge said it was Jan. 7, 2008, when Michigan State Police troopers stopped a vehicle in Edwardsburg at Redfield Street and M-62 in which Sanders was a passenger.
Officers became suspicious after finding marijuana in the vehicle and called in a search dog.The dog sniffed out more than 1,000 grams of cocaine in a hidden compartment in the car.Dodge said his past record is not extensive, however, in considering the large quantity of cocaine, the judge could see no substantial or compelling reason to deviate below the minimum range.He ordered $1,630 in costs.


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