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Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Arrested three suspects identified as Larry Don Sullen (B/M 23 yoa), Rudolph Jamarion Peacock (B/M 19 yoa) and Bridgette Joetta Pelham (W/F 24 yoa)

Arrested three suspects identified as Larry Don Sullen (B/M 23 yoa), Rudolph Jamarion Peacock (B/M 19 yoa) and Bridgette Joetta Pelham (W/F 24 yoa) all from the Hartford, Alabama area. All three suspects have been charged with sale of controlled substance (crack cocaine) and booked into the Holmes County Jail. This was after the three individuals traveled to a location in the Esto Community and were involved in the sale crack cocaine to an undercover officer. During the investigation, a large amount of crack cocaine was seized along with U.S. Currency. Also, Peacock has outstanding warrants in Geneva County for possession of controlled substance. Sheriff Tim Brown states, “As long as people choose to continue to sell, possess or buy illegal drugs in our county and communities then we will aggressively investigate, apprehend and convict those individuals. Sheriff Brown goes on to say, “These type of investigations require a great number of man hours and I commend the investigators associated with this investigation for their hard work and commitment to this case.”


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