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Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Bryan Williams and Troy Morris, were both arrested by the police and brought before the court yesterday

The driver and passenger, Bryan Williams and Troy Morris, were both arrested by the police and brought before the court yesterday. Allegations in case are that the police intercepted the vehicle sometime after 7 p.m. after being tipped off with the information. An initial search of the vehicle, on the spot, did not turn up any illegal substance. However, when the vehicle was searched in detail at the Narcotics headquarters the following day, almost six kilo-grams of cocaine was found hidden in a concealed compartment close to the trunk of the vehicle. The men were subsequently charged with possession of, dealing in, taking steps to export, trafficking and conspiracy to export cocaine. Both men have, however, denied knowledge or ownership of the find. When the case appeared in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday, Williams' attorney said his client borrowed the vehicle from the owner and had no knowledge of the drug. She also noted that the compartment in which it was found was not a concealed one, as the investigating officer had outlined, but was a standard feature of vehicles of those make, allowing for the storage of lug tools. The Star has learnt that vehicle belonged to Williams' brother, who was now in police custody. All three men are to attend court today when the matter will again be mentioned.


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