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Friday, 27 January 2012

Decapitation murder victim named


A man found decapitated has been named as 32-year-old John Grainger. Mr Grainger's body was discovered by firefighters in Stockport, Greater Manchester, at 5.10am on Thursday when they extinguished a blaze on a verge opposite Gala Casino. Police were called to Wellington Street and discovered Mr Grainger's head nearby. Two men, aged 29 and 31, who had been arrested on suspicion of possessing shotgun cartridges prior to the discovery of the body were later arrested on suspicion of murder. They remain in police custody for questioning. A Home Office post-mortem is ongoing to determine the exact cause of death. Superintendent Pete Matthews from Greater Manchester Police said: "We have a team of dedicated detectives who are working hard to establish the exact circumstances surrounding John's death, so we can provide his family with some much-needed answers. "We will be continuing with our inquiries and speaking to local residents. We also have extra officers in the area to offer reassurance and assist with the investigation. "People in the community are in shock at what has happened and I would encourage anyone with any information to contact the police." The crime scene in the town centre, near Stockport Magistrates' Court, was cordoned off as forensics officers scoured the area. Police said they understood a lot of rumours were circulating but said it would be wrong to speculate and insisted they were keeping an open mind.


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