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Thursday, 26 January 2012

Ex-Navy man detained in U.S. for alleged drug smuggling in Japan


former U.S. Navy serviceman has been detained in the United States after Japanese police issued an arrest warrant for him on suspicion of leading a group that smuggled drugs into Japan in 2004 through the military mail service, Japanese investigative sources said Wednesday. Tokyo has been seeking his extradition, and a U.S. court has been deliberating whether to transfer him based on a bilateral extradition treaty, they said. The former sailor left Japan for the United States on Aug. 6, 2004, one day after police arrested two civilian men who worked at the U.S. Naval base in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, on suspicion of being involved in drug smuggling, according to police. The three are suspected of shipping some 50,000 tablets of synthetic drugs, including ecstasy, from Canada to a post office box at the base using the military mail service in July 2004. The man sought by Japanese police was dishonorably discharged in 2003 for a separate drug offense committed on the base. His whereabouts in the United States were confirmed in 2009, the sources said.


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