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Friday, 4 May 2012

$4 million worth of suspected heroin was seized at the Calgary International Airport

 $4 million worth of suspected heroin was seized at the Calgary International Airport, officials say.

The drugs were found in the false bottom of a Calgary woman’s luggage on April 27, said the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).

The 30-year-old traveler was returning to the city from India via Amsterdam when she was flagged for further examination. An X-ray showed something suspicious about her bag, officials said.

Luggage with a false bottom alerted officials to the drugs. Luggage with a false bottom alerted officials to the drugs. (CBSA)

CBSA officers later found two bags with a total of four kilograms of white powder hidden in two pieces of the woman's luggage.

The woman was arrested and turned over to the RCMP’s Calgary drug section.

She was charged with two offences under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and taken into custody.

Her next court appearance was set for Friday.


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