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Thursday, 17 May 2012

Idaho Mechanic Discovers $40,000 Cocaine Hidden In 82-Year-Old Woman's Car

An Idaho mechanic made an unexpected discovery while working on an elderly woman's car last week when he found a pound of cocaine hidden under the hood. The Idaho Falls service shop employee made the discovery Tuesday, when he was servicing a vehicle belonging to an 82-year-old woman, Idaho Falls chief of police Steve Roos said this week. The cocaine -- 1.16 pounds with a street value of more than $40,000 dollars -- was found hidden inside the engine compartment. According to Roos, the drugs were found in a package that was wrapped in black electrical tape and hidden by the radiator. Police field tested the substance and confirmed it was cocaine. Investigators do not suspect the woman, who has owned the car for about 11 years, was aware the drugs were in the vehicle. Roos said they suspect the drugs were placed there by an unknown person prior to her purchase of the vehicle, which was a former rental car.


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