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Saturday, 16 June 2012

5-year sentence for cocaine dealer

Kirk Douglas McNorton, who earlier pleaded guilty in connection to one of the largest cocaine busts in Windsor history, was sentenced Friday to five years in prison. The case took an unusual turn when federal prosecutor Richard Pollock - usually urging more time, not less - argued why five years, proposed in a joint defence-Crown submission, was appropriate in this case as opposed to a harsher sentence. "Mr. McNorton does not have a police record to speak of," Pollock said in court. "And he indicated from the beginning that he wanted to take responsibility for this." Police conducted raids June 24, 2010, at two addresses - in the 3900 block of Wyandotte St. E. and the 200 block of Reedmere Road - and seized almost five kilograms of cocaine. Officers also found 21 Percocet pills, six grams of marijuana, equipment related to trafficking, various weapons and three handguns. Pollock said five years for a first offence is steep, but it should send a message to anyone thinking about trafficking in large amounts of illegal drugs that the consequences for such offences are serious. "Let it be known, if you're going to traffic in drugs in Windsor, the police are onto you, they're going to seize your assets, they're going to seize your money, they're going to place you into custody," Pollock said outside court. "And the sentences will be lengthy." McNorton, 41, pleaded guilty Monday to four drug charges and three firearm charges. The Crown withdrew 17 other charges against him. The Crown also withdrew all charges against McNorton's wife, Mary Vermeer, who was in court. Co-accused Amy Lynn Windibank and Todd Jason Windibank have yet to be tried. Assistant Crown attorney Tim Kavanaugh cited case history, showing the accused in similar situations received concurrent sentences. On Monday, Superior Court Justice Renee Pomerance had asked Crown and defence attorneys to support their position that the firearm charges, two of which carry mandatory minimum three-year sentences because ammunition was readily available, could run concurrently. "I am satisfied, with respect to mandatory minimum sentencing, they ought to run concurrently," Pomerance said Friday after hearing submissions on the matter. "I am prepared to accept and endorse a sentence of five years." Pomerance also handed Mc-Norton a lifetime weapons ban and ordered him to submit a DNA sample for a national database. She also agreed with the Crown that McNorton must forfeit the $9,695 found on his person and at the Reedmere address. Defence lawyer Bobby DiPietro said his client is holding up as well as possible. "He wants to move on in his life," DiPietro said. "So he knows the only way to move on is to be sentenced and serve his time."


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