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Tuesday, 12 June 2012

If You Kill Someone, Don’t Google it First

A Florida couple accused of strangling a 19-year-old girl reportedly searched Google for advice on murder methods and later discussed what to do with the body through text messages and Facebook. James Ayers, 32, and Nicole Okrzesik, 23, researched “chemicals to passout a person,” “making people faint,” “ways to kill people in their sleep,” “how to suffocate someone” and “how to poison someone” on Google just minutes before killing Juliana Mensch. According to police, Mensch slept on the floor while the couple trawled the Internet. The duo were friends with Mensch, even getting high with her in their Fort Lauderdale home, but decided to kill and rob her for drug money, police say. It was reported that hours after allegedly killing the teen, Okrzesik posted a photo online of her and her boyfriend having fun at a bar.


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