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Saturday, 21 July 2007

UK agency seizes £3bn of cocaine

The UK's new nationwide law enforcement agency says it seized one fifth of Europe's cocaine supply in its first year of operation.
The Serious Organised Crime Agency said 73 tonnes of cocaine with a street value of £3bn were uncovered.
In its annual report, Soca reveals it has prevented 35 potential murders and drawn up a list of 1,600 crime chiefs.
But critics have called for more transparency - saying it is difficult to genuinely judge its progress.
The agency began operation in April 2006 following the merger of the National Criminal Intelligence Service, the National Crime Squad and other law enforcement agencies.
In its first annual report, Soca said it had:
Seized cocaine worth £125m to producers - a major hit to traffickers
Arrested 749 people in the UK and 1,096 overseas
Achieved a 95% success rate in the courts, including with inherited cases.


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