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Friday, 25 January 2008

Adam Larsen,Mitchell Smith

Adam Larsen, 20, of Eastham and Mitchell Smith, 21, of Orleans were arrested at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday outside a parked Chevy Tahoe in Cranberry Cove Plaza, off Route 6A, according to a police report. The pair were arraigned yesterday morning in Orleans District Court on charges that include possession of heroin with intent to distribute, being present where heroin is kept and conspiracy to violate drug laws. They pleaded not guilty.
Based on a tip, police believe Larsen was about to make a drug deal before his arrest and Smith, the owner and driver of the Tahoe, was involved in the trafficking, the police report says.
Police seized 47 bags of heroin in the bust, primarily in Larsen's coat and pants pockets, according to police. The heroin has an estimated street value of $1.300, Orleans police Detective Kevin Higgins said Wednesday night.
Investigators saw Larsen in Smith's Tahoe a few days earlier, allegedly making a drug deal near a pizzeria in the plaza, police said.


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