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Saturday, 26 January 2008

Adam M. Bembridge,Adam C. Steven Deinstadt,Douglas,Christopher Cormier

Steven Deinstadt, 32, was convicted of assault and violating bail. He was given credit for 64 days of pretrial custody, sentenced to a further 30 days in jail and placed on probation for 18 months.
Erin E. Davis, 20, was convicted of theft, drug possession, drug trafficking, possession of a drug for the purpose of trafficking, vandalism and three counts of violating bail. He was given a six-month conditional sentence to serve in the community under restrictions, followed by probation for 12 months.
Mark J. Guindon, 28, was convicted of drug trafficking and was given a four-month conditional sentence to serve in the community under restrictions.
Mark B. Harvey, 56, was convicted of vandalism. His sentencing was suspended; he was placed on probation for 12 months and ordered to pay $930.67 in restitution.
Joseph MacDonald, 39, was convicted of drug trafficking and fined $500.
Leslie N. Morris, 33, was convicted of violating probation. He was sentenced to 30 days of intermittent jail on weekends and intermittent probation when not in custody.
Richard W. Nevin, 24, was convicted of vandalism and violating probation. His sentencing was suspended and he was placed on probation for 18 months and ordered to pay $500 in restitution.
Adam M. Bembridge, 24, was convicted of drug possession and had one day added to an existing sentence.
Adam C. Douglas, 30, was convicted of theft. He was fined $1,000 and assessed a $150 victim-fine surcharge.
Christopher Cormier, 33, was convicted on seven counts of possession of a drug for the purpose of trafficking. He was given credit for 48 days of pretrial custody and sentenced to a further three months in jail.


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