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Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Italian and Nigerian citizens involved in international drug trafficking

According to the report, the law men were in the process of arresting a large number of the members of a vast criminal organisation made up of Italian and Nigerian citizens involved in international drug trafficking. The Italians have some 250 state police on the case and they are backed by helicopters and dog units working under an operation called 'Black Shoes.'
Members of the operation, led by Naples anti-mafia district headquarters, have reconstructed the route of drug trafficking from South America to Europe, with traffickers attentive to every single detail of drug imports. In the case of Guyana and Suriname, cocaine and heroin were taken to Italy by Nigerian runners who hid the drugs in false soles of their shoes or swallowed capsules filled with it.
The operation is two years old and with the collaboration of many law men in different countries the investigators were able to identify cells in Guyana, Suriname, Holland, Romania, India, Pakistan, Uganda and the Ivory Coast. The report also stated that women whose relatives were involved in the drug ring played an essential part as it was through them it was made possible to maintain contact between the bosses in prison and their accomplices by way of small slips of paper hidden in the seam of clothing and coded with elementary codes to decipher.


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