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Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Lee Paul Hamshaw

Lee Paul Hamshaw 26-year-old threw away 35 foil wraps containing £175 worth of heroin and when his home in Denison Road, Hexthorpe, was searched there were more traces of heroin and boxes of cash, said Alison Dorrell, prosecuting.
Hamshaw was found guilty at an earlier trial of possessing heroin with intent to supply and admitted a separate offence of possession of heroin last July.
On that occasion plain-clothes officers in Doncaster town centre saw him buy a wrap of heroin which he dropped as soon as the police approached.
Defence counsel Guy Wyatt said Hamshaw, who has previous convictions for burglary, shoplifting and perverting the course of justice, now accepted he was involved in the supply of drugs but only as a 'runner' for someone else.
He had become a father just two weeks before his arrest and seen the baby only twice while he was in custody awaiting trial.
Mr Wyatt said: "That bears very heavily on this defendant's mind. Being a father does give him a greater perspective on things and when he comes out having that greater degree of insight will help him to keep out of trouble."
In addition to the jail term, Judge Jacqueline Davies ordered the confiscation of the £90 found at Hamshaw's home and it will be handed to the South Yorkshire Police drug fighting fund.
The court was also told his son had been taken into care because the child's mother had been sent to prison for other offences.


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