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Saturday, 26 January 2008

Pierre Goulet

Pierre Goulet was arrested in June 2006 following a covert investigation that uncovered his role in a wide-reaching scam to import cocaine through the Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport.
Goulet initially pleaded not guilty to drug trafficking, money laundering, possession of the proceeds of crime, conspiracy and conspiracy to import drugs.
But he agreed to change his plea to guilty on most of those counts in exchange for the Crown dropping the more serious charges of conspiracy to import cocaine.
His sentence, handed out Friday by Quebec court Judge Sylvie Durand at the Montreal courthouse, takes into account time served before Goulet was released on bail.
He had 14 years experience on the Montreal police force when drug squad investigators were tipped off about him by American authorities.
His arrest created concerns about security at the airport and prompted Montreal police chief Yvan Delorme to insist Goulet had acted outside his hours of duty.


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