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Friday, 8 February 2008

Alexander Hopkins was found dead Jan. 11 in his College Park apartment

Hopkins was found dead Jan. 11 in his College Park apartment after a party.
total of five arrests have been made during the course of an investigation of the death of Alexander Hopkins, 18, of Weatherford.
Authorities believe his death to be a possible drug overdose. The Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s Office is expected to reveal the specific cause of death, pending toxicology results.
“During the course of the investigation, we interviewed several people acquainted with Mr. Hopkins,” said Weatherford Police Lt. Chris Crawford. “During those interviews, we were able to determine that three people chose to lie about the events leading up to the time of Mr. Hopkin’s death. Charges were brought against them because they chose not to tell investigators the truth about what happened. Those lies only delayed and impeded our investigation and clouded the facts surrounding his death.”
Following the death of Hopkins, investigators questioned several individuals who had interacted with Hopkins prior to his death. During those interviews, statements were reported regarding a timeline outlining the last 48 hours prior to Hopkin’s death.
A press release stated after careful review, investigators determined three of the witnesses, who were acquaintances of Hopkins, gave false statements to police.
Jeffrey Adam Crawford, 20; Caleb Glenn Callaway, 17; and Andrew Kyle Recchia, 17, all of Weatherford, and Cory Lee Reed, 18, of Peaster, were charged with giving a false report or statement to a police officer.
Reed was also charged with possession of marijuana, under two ounces, and possession of controlled substance, under one gram.
Reechia was additionally charged with possession of marijuana, under two ounces, and possession of controlled substance, under one gram.
Days after Hopkin’s death, Special Crimes investigators were led to a Fort Worth home, where they believe Hopkins may have purchased drugs.
Harvey Mitchell, 32, was the first arrested in the case.
He was arrested at his home for possession of a controlled substance after police found about 16 grams of white heroin, six grams of cocaine and several weapons.
As of press time, Reed remained in custody at the Parker County Justice Center under a $11,000 bond.
His previous charges and arrests include a separate marijuana possession charge in August and theft of property in June.
Callaway was released from jail on a $2,500 bond.
His previous charges and arrests include public intoxication.
Recchia was released on a $8,500 bond and Crawford was released on $2,500 bond.
Mitchell was charged with possession of a controlled substance, four to 200 grams.
Lt. Crawford said detectives are working on various aspects of the case.
“There could be additional charges to come,” he said.
Officials said a suspicious death and the possibility of foul play has yet to be ruled out.
It could take up to as much as, or more than 60 days for toxicology results to prove a definitive ruling in Hopkin’s cause of death.


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