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Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Ateeq Rehman owed money for drugs

Ateeq Rehman, 27, was remanded back into custody today to await assessment after a judge at Bradford Crown Court was told he had served at least four prison sentences since receiving the five-year ASBO in August 2004.Prosecutor Ewan McLachlan said the ASBO banned Rehman, of Haslingdon Drive, Heaton, from entering a designated area which included the grounds of the hospital.He was also prohibited from loitering around parked cars. But last month, Rehman used a screwdriver to smash the window of a car parked on Smith Lane.Recorder Ian Graham was told that Rehman tried to remove the navigation system, but was unable to do so and fled with the system's holder, which he later threw away.After his arrest later that day he told police that he owed money for drugs and had been told if he stole the navigation equipment his debt would be wiped clean.Mr McLachlan said Rehman had a substantial record of previous convictions including theft or interference with motor vehicles and breaching the ASBO.He pleaded guilty to the latest offences of theft and breaching the ASBO at the first opportunity and the magistrates committed his case to crown court.Recorder Graham heard that Rehman could be assessed within a few days and he noted that it was over two years since anything other than custody had been tried with him.Rehman will be remanded in custody until his sentence hearing on February 25.


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