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Monday, 11 February 2008

Const. Kevin Hall was ordered fired from the Ottawa police

Const. Kevin Hall was ordered fired from the Ottawa police after admitting he stole drugs to feed a crack-cocaine habit, he's still being paid his $71,000 annual salary -- and could continue to receive it for the foreseeable future.The 44-year-old officer has filed a second appeal of his dismissal, asking a court to overturn a December 2006 decision that he resign within seven days or be fired -- a ruling that was upheld two months ago by the civilian commission which oversees police services.
But Ottawa police have filed a motion asking the court to uphold the initial disciplinary hearing decision so they can immediately stop paying Hall's salary and benefits pending the outcome of the most recent appeal.The motion asks for Hall's appeal to be dismissed outright. If that is rejected, Ottawa police are asking that the court remove their obligation to pay Hall while he fights to keep his job during the lengthy appeals process, which could take up to two more years to complete."Two tribunals in Ontario have decided that this man should be dismissed," said Vince Westwick, head of the Ottawa police's professional-standards section. "Our argument is that the dismissal should go ahead."But the association representing Ottawa police officers said they strongly oppose the police department's motion, accusing the service of trying to find a way around the Ontario Police Services Act, which includes provisions preventing officers from being suspended without pay.
"He hasn't been fired as of yet. He is still technically a member of the Ottawa Police Service," said police association president Charles Momy


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