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Sunday, 10 February 2008

Dubai ,42-year old African woman attempting to smuggle heroin

Police have arrested a 42-year old African woman attempting to smuggle heroin into the country by swallowing wrapped tablets of the deadly drug. She was taken into custody on Thursday night after she arrived in Dubai on an Emirates flight from Uganda.
The woman was carrying 640 grammes of heroin in her stomach when Dubai Custom officials stopped and questioned her. She was later taken to the hospital and was kept under police observation where it was found that she had swallowed the large quantity of drugs. She confessed to accepting $1,500 from an agent to smuggle the drugs into the country, according to police. She has been now been referred to the Public Prosecution department.
Last week, a Pakistani man in his thirties died at a Sharjah hotel after one of the capsules of drugs which he was trying to smuggle into the country burst in his stomach. Sharjah police recovered 40 capsules of drugs from the man. Last year Dubai Customs foiled an attempt by a Pakistani passenger to smuggle 1,000 grammes of heroin into the country. Around 100 capsules of the drug were removed from the passenger’s intestines following his arrest.
Dubai Customs has installed special equipment at the airport to closely scrutinise passengers suspected of carrying drugs and other banned substances.


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