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Monday, 18 February 2008

Felipe Mendoza Rojas and Ramón Córdova Olave on the run after murdering two police officers in Quilicura

The two criminals on the run after murdering two police officers in Quilicura last week are still within national borders. This according to an investigation carried out by the OS-9 unity of law enforcement. This morning, General Jorge Rojas, acting Chief of the Narcotics Investigation Unit, affirmed that the fugitives have not crossed any international borders. He added that arrangements are being made with law enforcement officials of Argentina, Perú and Bolivia to coordinate investigations in the case that the criminals do manage to enter another country. The fugitives are identified as Felipe Mendoza Rojas and Ramón Córdova Olave. According to General Rojas, Córdova is the one who has the financial means to flee the country, “he owns mechanic shops, cars, summer homes, boats and motorcycles, all of illicit origin and part of the reason why he is wanted by police”. The police chief expressed gratitude to the community for all of the information they have passed on to law enforcement, information that has already facilitated the arrest of four of the criminals involved.


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