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Monday, 11 February 2008

four Bangladeshis arrested for manufacturing alcohol

Acting upon information and armed with a search and arrest warrant, the Salmiya police raided an apartment in the area and arrested four Bangladeshis for manufacturing alcohol, reports Al-Qabas daily.
Police have also confiscated from them alcohol manufacturing equipment and 20 barrels full of raw material.Man wanted in drugs held: A Kuwaiti man who had earlier been sentenced in absentia to five years imprisonment in a drug-related case has been arrested by police, reports Al-Watan daily.
The suspect was arrested by roving police patrol at an unidentified location. At the time of his arrest he was in possession of 500 grams of hashish.
When the man was taken to a police station, a police investigator discovered the man was wanted by law in 12 other unidentified crimes.Kuwaiti drug addicts arrested: Police have arrested three Kuwaiti youths for possessing and consuming drugs, reports Al-Rai daily.The ‘addicts’ were arrested in a suburb of Salmiya by a police patrol.Police reportedly seized from their car three fingers of hashish.


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