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Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Karrie Glenn,Brian Harris alleged conspiracy that involved Glenn smuggling methamphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, tobacco and cigarettes into the jail

Karrie Glenn, 35, of Pascagoula, was out of jail on $60,000 bond for murder when she was arrested Sunday after showing up at the jail to visit Jackson County inmate Brian Harris.
Jackson County Sheriff Mike Byrd said investigators had gotten a tip about the alleged conspiracy that involved Glenn smuggling methamphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, tobacco and cigarettes into the jail through Harris.Glenn was arrested when she showed up for a 3 p.m. visitation with Harris on Sunday. Investigators and agents with the Narcotics Task Force of Jackson County searched Glenn's vehicle and found about two grams of methamphetamines in a purse inside.Glenn was arrested and she and Harris were each charged with attempting to smuggle drugs into a jail. Jackson County Judge Sharon Sigalis revoked Glenn's bond on the murder charge Monday. She set an additional $20,000 bond for the drug charge.
Harris was in jail at the time of his arrest Sunday on charges of methamphetamine possession and grand larceny. Authorities did not say how Glenn and Harris knew one another.Glenn had been out of jail on bond for murder for several months before her latest arrest.She and David Allen Stokes were arrested last year for the July 27, 1998, shooting death of Glenn's husband, Roy Anthony "Tony" Glenn Jr.Investigators had for years suspected Glenn in her husband's death but the case went cold and investigators didn't get the evidence they needed to make the arrests until last year.In that case, authorities allege that Glenn and Stokes were having a relationship when they decided to kill Glenn's husband.Stokes has since pleaded guilty and is serving a 20-year sentence. He's also expected to testify against Glenn at her trial later this year.


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