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Sunday, 17 February 2008

Morgan Parkinson claimed he was dealing it socially to family and friends.

Morgan Parkinson, 24, has been jailed for nine months after officers caught up with him and found £11,000 worth of stolen scrap metal in the vehicle.
At the time Parkinson was on bail after police had recovered 24 grammes of amphetamine from his home in Shuttle Close, Accrington.The lorry had been stolen from Pendle.But it had a tracker system on board and the pursuit was launched when it did not stop for police on the M62.Parkinson, who did not have a driving licence, drove on the hard shoulder, past a queue of slow-moving traffic in a bid to get away.He smashed through a works area and narrowly missed highways officers on the hard shoulder.But then he crashed into a wall, rebounding into a police vehicle at Sowerby Bridge.Parkinson tried to flee on foot. However officers caught up with him after a short chase.Parkinson told officers: "I didn't take it. I have just been told to drive it."He claimed he owed almost £1,000 to a traveller for a drugs debt and had been told he could work it off if he did some driving.Parkinson, a convicted heroin supplier, admitted two counts of possessing amphetamine with intent to supply, last May 4 and 19, allegations of possessing cannabis and aggravated vehicle taking. Parkinson was banned from driving for a year and ordered to take an extended re-test.Burnley Crown Court was told that his home had been the subject of a police drugs search and the amphetamine was found.Parkinson claimed he was dealing it socially to family and friends.


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