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Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Nabil Hossein Alkhalil drug smuggler who fled Police

Nabil Hossein Alkhalil, 31, is asking for six years, noting that his client, who has been ordered deported three times, will also be sent back to Lebanon.
Matthew Webber argued Alkhalil trafficked drugs because his car detailing business failed and his wife was pregnant and now faces being torn from his family in Canada. Prosecutor Andrejs Berzins argued that the sentence has to send a strong message to Alkhalil and anyone else tempted to traffic drugs and put lives at risk with a dangerous chase. Alkhalil, who has a record for break and enter and assault, had also only recently completed probation after a prison term when he was charged in May 2005. He's also already got a pair of breaks, Berzins argued. Immigration officials have twice granted stays of deportation issued after previous convictions. Alkhalil was convicted in November of possession for the purpose of trafficking, dangerous driving and failing to stop for police. He was arrested after leading police on a 30-km chase that reached speeds of 210 km/h and went through rural villages after being stopped for speeding on Hwy. 401. He was finally taken down after a foot chase in a Cornwall park. The sentencing hearing continues today with expert testimony as to the street value of the cocaine.


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