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Monday, 11 February 2008

Perry Hill is now serving three years in a young offender institution

Perry Hill, 17, of Camrose Road, Ely, Cardiff, is serving three years in a young offender institution.He ran from plain clothes officers after being seen to be involved in a number of suspected deals near the Lidl store in Caerau Lane, Ely, Cardiff, at 2pm on Wednesday, September 26, last year.Prosecutor Julian Greenwood told the city’s crown court: “Well-known members of the drugs community were part of the transaction process.“Police challenged him and he made a run for it. He was rugby tackled to the ground and he discarded a pouch containing a quantity of crack cocaine.”Officers found more than £1,000 and a black pouch with 45 deals of crack cocaine and five more of heroin in a sock.A search of his house later uncovered 12 more deals of crack and one of heroin. In total, there was 4.5g of heroin and 14.8g of crack cocaine.


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