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Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Robert Flook

Robert Flook, 46, conspired to supply 150kg of cocaine and eight tonnes of cannabis.The cannabis seizure - valued at £28million - is the largest the Metropolitan Police have ever made, while the cocaine had a street value of £10.5 million.But it's thought Flook used several firms as a front to import 11 containers with drugs, hidden in garden furniture and mirrors, between 2001 and 2006.The undetected consignments are thought to have been of a similar size to those seized, taking the potential value of drugs brought in to over £350million.Flook was arrested following an investigation by the Met and South African law agencies.The cannabis was seized at the port of Felixstowe, Suffolk, in September 2006. The cocaine seizure was made in South Africa weeks later.Flook, of Eltham, London, was found guilty in August and sentenced at the city's Blackfriars Crown Court yesterday.Met Detective Inspector Craig Turner, who led the probe, said: "The sentence represents the substantial damage these drugs


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